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A tale of resilience, where courage and faith triumph the shadows of fear
In the face of adversity and the daunting challenges of the night shift at a prison, Rita Parsons discovers the strength within her faith to navigate the prison's shadows, as she confronts prejudice and fear with resilience, grace, and the unwavering belief that miracles can emerge from the darkest moments.

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A powerful testimony revealing how to take the fragments of life, bless them, and multiply your journey
Growing up in Winston-Salem, North Carolina in the 60s, "Leftover Pieces” is Robin’s testimony of how God took the little she had, blessed it and multiplied her fragments. She was confounded to realize that all her life God had showered her with leftover pieces; her own two-little-fishes and five-barley-loaves experience..

Robin Pendleton

I'm Robin
My journey as a bookworm began in elementary school in Winston-Salem, NC. Growing older, I seamlessly intertwined my love for reading with a passion for writing. Retiring as an Assistant Warden from the Florida Department of Corrections opened doors for me to indulge in both these passions. For 12 years, I contributed as a book reviewer for RT Book Reviews Magazine and, for an additional two years, served as a writer and copy editor for Legacy Palm Beach, a black-owned magazine in South Florida.
My writing took a transformative turn with the contribution of "Angel On My Tail" in the anthology Angels Working Overtime: A Love. Hope. Faith. This piece, inspired by buried stories among my notes from sermons and teachings, became a catalyst for my subsequent work. In "Leftover Pieces," featured in Back In The Day, I delved into nonfiction, sharing my personal testimony and labeling it as my own 'two little fishes and five barley loaves' miracle.
Armed with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, a Master of Arts in Criminal Justice, and Certification in Public Management, I'm now embracing a chapter that had its seeds planted years ago. Transitioning from walking the compound with women sentenced to life behind bars, I now write about women challenged to find the freedom that serves them justice.
Currently residing in South Florida, I hold onto the promise, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV).

Indulge in Feel good Books
Uplifting stories that align with your faith and values fostering a sense of hope and encouragement.
Authentic representation celebrating the diversity, inclusion, and richness of individual journeys.
Books that are a source of connection, understanding, and empowerment for the women in the African American Christian Fiction community!